Top 10 Tips for Mastering Space Marine 2: A Battle Guide

Brothers, welcome to Rajput Gaming. I am Battle Rajput, and with the release of Space Marine 2, I’m here to share my top 10 tips to help you purge the enemies of mankind and become a true warrior of the Adeptus Astartes. Before we dive in, if you enjoy the content, don’t forget to like, comment, and enable notifications to support the Telegram channel amidst the warp tides of YouTube.

Tip 1: Aggressive Healing

Space Marine 2 is challenging, even on normal difficulty, so it’s crucial to keep your health and armor up amidst the chaos. Remember, the best defense is a good offense. Your health bar consists of armor and actual health. Armor regenerates mid-combat through perfect counters, gun strikes, and executions. Health regenerates by attacking foes, but only when a white bar is visible after taking damage. You can also use Titus’ Righteous Fury special ability for increased damage and healing on attacks. Pop that ability if you’re running low to get a significant boost.

Tip 2: Parrying

Parrying can significantly reduce the damage you take in melee combat, but timing is crucial. A well-timed parry will counter the enemy’s attack, leaving them open for further strikes. Conversely, a poorly timed parry exposes you to additional attacks. Watch for enemies highlighted in blue for counterattacks, and remember that enemies highlighted in red cannot be parried and require dodging instead. Learn to read enemy attack patterns and adjust your parrying accordingly.

Tip 3: Dodging

Dodging and parrying go hand-in-hand. Pay attention to timing when dodging; avoid dodging too early to prevent getting hit. Try to dodge just before the enemy’s attack lands. A perfect dodge can leave your opponent open for a gun strike, providing an opportunity to replenish armor and deal significant damage. Watch out for incoming sniper shots indicated by a beam.

Tip 4: Target Priority

Facing swarms of Tyranids can be overwhelming, but focusing on specific targets can turn the tide in your favor. The Tyranids are psychically linked to a collective consciousness known as the Hive Mind. By targeting and eliminating larger leader Tyranids, you can cause a psychic backlash that affects nearby smaller creatures. Prioritize elite enemies as they can have abilities that significantly impact your battle.

Tip 5: Commanding Your Squad

In addition to target priority, commanding your AI squadmates can be a valuable tactic. Use the “Mark Target” button to direct your squad’s focus on specific targets. While the AI can be decent, there may be times when you need to direct their attention to quickly eliminate threats or defend critical spots.

Tip 6: Grenades

Grenades are crucial tools for managing groups of enemies. Each type of grenade has a specific purpose:

  • Frag Grenades: High-explosive radius, ideal for large groups.
  • Crack Grenades: High damage with a small radius, best for large targets.
  • Stun Grenades: Electrical blast for area denial.
  • Melta Bombs: Deployable mines with massive damage, useful for setting traps.

Tip 7: Looting

Make use of the green wooden boxes scattered throughout the level. Breaking these boxes—whether by shooting, melee, or rolling into them—can drop grenades, ammo, medicae stems, or extra armor. Ensuring you loot extensively will help replenish your supplies and keep you prepared for battle.

Tip 8: Exploration

Thoroughly exploring the map before advancing can uncover valuable items like weapons, Guardian relics, or weapon upgrade materials. Rushing ahead might cause you to miss crucial resources that could help you in future battles. Take your time to explore side paths and search thoroughly.

Tip 9: Weapon Stats

Check your weapon stats at the Armory for crucial details like damage, attack speed, ammo count, penetration value, and parry timings. For ranged weapons, note the damage drop-off based on range, with some weapons being more effective at close range. Pay attention to weapon penetration values and parry timings for optimal performance in combat.

Tip 10: Unique Melee Abilities

Each melee weapon has a unique string of attack combos and stances. Mix light and heavy attacks to maximize effectiveness. Avoid spamming light attacks as larger enemies can block them. Instead, use heavy attacks to break guards and deal area-of-effect damage. Learn the unique abilities of your weapons—such as power swords’ sweeping attacks or thunder hammers’ ground slams—to adapt your strategy effectively.


Thanks for reading, Rajputs! I hope these tips help you in your battles and aid you in cleansing the Emperor’s worlds of Xenos filth. Space Marine 2 offers a challenging yet rewarding experience with its dynamic combat. Share your thoughts on the game and any tips you might have. Don’t forget to comment, and enable notifications to stay updated with the latest content. A special thanks again to Instant Gaming for sponsoring this blog. Have a great day, and I’ll see you in the next one!


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